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Something Wonderful

Something wonderful

Isn’t there something so delicious about the changing leaves and the coolness in the air that makes you want to do all the cozy things? I feel for me that the time that I have the most creativity and energy is in the fall. The summer heat has faded, I sleep more soundly, and I can’t wait to putter about my home moving things around, dusting away the old bunnies, and making space for something wonderful.

First things first, I definitely clean top to bottom and enjoy the ritual of cleansing and freshening up my space. Today was extra fun because I was able to use all of our own cleaning supplies with their beautiful new labels, so many delightful vibrant colours! My home smells of a soothing aroma of various essential oils and it has brought me the true start of the essence of 🍂hygge🍂 Hygge (pronounced hooga) is a word in Danish and Norwegian that describes a mood of coziness and "comfortable conviviality" with feelings of wellness and contentment. My favourite blend to achieve this feeling of 🍂hygge🍂 right now is Winter Crisp as it has scents of cinnamon and clove (plus rosemary, lemon, and peppermint) and it’s absolutely delightful - like grandma’s apple pie. There is something truly nostalgic about this blend. My other favourite is Dolce Lime Laundry Detergent, it makes doing laundry less of a chore for sure, and who doesn’t need that? Dolce lime is made with vanilla, lime, and mandarin - I sneak in multiple sniffs with this one - it truly brings me joy.

I really find pleasure in changing up my space by bringing in foliage from the outside world and decorating with warm colours indoors. A clean home, the smell of soup simmering on the stove, candles lit, warm sweaters, sunflower bouquets, music playing, campfires - this is the true essence of hygge for me.

What are some rituals you like to enjoy at home alone or with loved ones?

If you’re interested in trying some of our new products send us a message! They’re not yet available on our website but they’re certainly still available for purchase. From our home to yours 🍂🧹🎃🧙‍♀️

Love from,


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